Find Access * Find Access to a memory location

This tool will load the specified file and scans it for accesses to a given address. It will find all absolut and relative 8bit, 16bit and 32bit references. I have written this to analyse the coredump files. It is similar to the Freezer command FA but will not disassemble the access but show it as pure hex dump.


FindAccess is contained only in DEV archive, not in the USR archive
copy it to C: or a similar place


I use the following alias (added to my S:Shell-Startup) to search in the last memory dump written by whdload: so I can open a Shell and type for example: and will get the output:


FILE/A the name of the file to scan
ADDRESS/A the access address you search for, you can use simple expressions like "$5000" = "20480" = " -$Ff +-33+ 19512+$4e8" (prefix "$" for hexadecimal numbers, supported operators are "+" and "-", unary and binary)
ORG the logical start address of the file, if not specified $0 is used, you can use same simple expressions as with ADRESS/A